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Daily Prayer Times

6:20 AM
2:00 PM
5:45 PM
9:20 PM
Jumah Prayer Time
First Jamat
Second Jamat
Third Jamat

Family Night

- Salat: 3:00 PM
Inportent Notice

Assalamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.
Alhamdulillah. All praise and thanks is due to Allah and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
We, the management of DCC/Baitul Aman Masjid, are pleased to announce that the government of Ontario has announced that effective Friday June 12, 2020, at 12:01 am All Places of Worship will be permitted to open with some conditions. Therefore, the management of DCC would like to request all Musallis to abide by the following directives and guidelines during attending any prayer.
(01) Baitul Aman Masjid will be open for Jumu’ah & all 5 daily prayers with a limited capacity of 30% . So ONLY 68 persons will be permitted to enter the Masjid for any Jama’at.
(02) Please keep a two metre distance from others at all times.
(03) Please bring your own face mask and gloves and wear them at all times.
(04) Please use your own Prayer Mat (Jaynamaz) and don’t share it with others.
(05) Please keep your shoes with you in a bag and don’t use shoe racks.
(06) Please make wudu at home, because washrooms will not be available for use.
(07) There will be three Jama’at for Jumuah according to the following schedule:
- 1st Jama’at:Khutbah: 1:30 pm;Salat: 1:40 pm.
- 2nd Jama’at:Khutbah: 2:15pm;Salat: 2:25pm.
- 3rd Jama’at:Khutbah: 3:00 pm;Salat: 3:10pm.
(08)Only 13 to 70 years old people are allowed to join in congregational prayers
(09) Please offer all Sunnah and Nafl Prayers at home. So disperse immediately after Salat.
(10) People who have any health issues are requested NOT to attend.
(11) People who have experienced any symptoms of COVID-19, or have been in contact with someone affected by COVID-19 or have recently travelled are also requested NOT to attend.
(12) NO handshakes or hugging (Musafahah or Mu’anaqah) under any circumstances.
(13) All weekly Halaqas will be conducted through online by Zoom app.
Dear brothers & Sisters, As-Salamu alaikum wrt wbt,
As per the latest strong recurrent recommendations from both the Canadian federal and provincial governments and public health officials in addition the Muslim Medical Association of Canada and the Council of Imams, we would like to bring to your attention the following important announcements:
1. As of Today March 17, with deep sadness we will be temporarily Closing the Center for the Public including for Jumu’ah Salat and the daily Salat prayers until March 31, 2020.
Nevertheless, we assure you that insha Allah the Adhan will be called for all the times and every Salat will be performed at the Centre by our Imam, his assistants and the administration.
2. For the time being, all the following critical services will continue as usual:
1) Counselling & Family support (For appointment, Call us or Email us)
2) Janazah and Burial arrangements (Call us or Email us)
3) Donations Drop off (Please support your Centre in these difficult times to the best of your ability!)
Let us pray more for one another in these difficult times!
Jazakumu Allahu khayran for your cooperation!
Danforth Community Center & Baitul Aman Masjid
While the safety of our patrons is our highest priority, we cannot guarantee you safety from COVID-19 or any other health risks. So your attendance at DCC/Baitul Aman Masjid is at your own risk. DCC will not be held liable for any complications arising from visiting our center.
Your cooperation to abide by the above-mentioned directives and guidelines will be highly appreciated.

- 1st Jama’at:
- Khutbah: 1:30 PM
- Salat: 2:00 PM

- 2nd Jama’at:
- Khutbah: 2:40 PM
- Salat: 3.00 PM

Weekly Halaqah


Youth Islamic Lecture
Please join weekly halaqah with your family and friends.

Our Services

Pillars of Islam

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(Prayer) -
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