• Damforth Community Center | Baitul Aman Masjid
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Important Notice
Alhamdulillah, Masjid is open with the full capacity. You are most welcome to attend the congregations with your family and friends.
Important Notice
Alhamdulillah, Masjid is open with the full capacity. You are most welcome to attend the congregations with your family and friends.


Donation Appeal

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah

Dear Respected Members of DCC,
As you know, due to Corona virus the Covid-19 pandemic and the state Emergency, the Baitul Aman Masjid has been closed since mid March for the safety of every individual in our community. Our Masjid continues to provide some services, such as online pre-Ifter Halaqah, play audio Quran recitation, khutbahs and counseling for people who are facing challenges dealing with these difficult times.
This situation will most likely continue for weeks or even months.

Usually, in Ramadan daily approximately 700- 1000 people attend in congregation and donate regularly from the beginning of month. Specially Friday and Ramadan daily source of income has been removed from us. The covid 19 left the Masjid in financial crises. May Allah protect all Masajid.
The Masjid needs your generous and kind support to help with operating expenses such as monthly bank payment, maintenance, utilities and insurance etc.

Without your kind donations, we can’t sustain these operations. Your financial support through donations and Qarz-e-Hasanah is urgently needed. Please be generous with your donations in this blessed month for the house of Allah.

You can make your donations using any of the five ways below:
1. Email a cheque directly to DCC @ bamdcc@gmail.com with your details and amount.
2. By e-transfer to the DCC email @ bamdcc@gmail.com
3. By Canada Helps online at the DCC website: http://www.danforthcommunitycenter.org/donate
4. By cheque mailed to the DCC mailing address.
5. By dropping off your donations, fitra, Zakat, Sadaqah and cheque donation to the Masjid between 12 pm – 10:30 pm every day.

 All donations you receive a tax receipt, so please provide your mailing address and email with your donations so we send you tax receipts.

Please note that the Masjid needs your generous donation now more than any other time.

Our beloved the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)
Again we need your immediate help to reach our Goal of $150,000. Please donate now!

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
If I had (a mountain of) gold, I would love that, before three days had passed, not a single (coin) thereof remained with me if I found somebody to accept it (as charity), excluding some amount that I would keep for the payment of my debts. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Hadith 334
 Finally, we humbly request everyone to donate minimum $500
May Allah accept all our fast and donations. Ameen!
  Jazak Allah Kair,
   On behalf of DCC Management: 
Muhammad Kamruzzaman

Bank Direct Deposit

Account Information:  TD Canada Trust
BankAccount #:  0032-5223117
Transit #  00322
Institution #  004
Routing # 026009593 
​CRA Registration #  80625 7218 RR0001

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